Thursday, January 7, 2010

Matrix Poster Annotaion

The matrix. (1999)


The genre is an action, adventure, sci-fi and Thriller. The I mage shows four people standing wearing black clothing and sunglasses and the main character holding a rifle in is right hand, which instantly gives us the idea of an action and adventure. The reason is gives us the idea of action and adventure is by the signaling of guns and conflict. The actors use props and wear costumes, which acts like a uniform to the actors to create this image. The computer binary code in the background gives us an idea of a digital real world.

Use Of Font:

The unique font, which The Matrix uses, shows us the lettering distorted and looks as if it is moving by using digital interference. The lettering is colored white and has a glow of purple, which shows an unrealistic world, as this font is not normal. This logo is the brand logo for ‘The matrix’ for example if you were to buy a Matrix merchandise, it would carry the brand logo. The font use if of a futuristic nature. The theme gives off an illusion of a digitally enhanced world.

Use of colour:

The colour used in this film poster is mainly dark colours and light. The main characters are standing in sleek black leather clothing with sunglasses, holding guns. The mysterious light background gives us the feeling that their not in a normal world. This poster uses the rule of three using black, white and purple, which is a simple layout.

Tag line:

The tag line reads ‘On March 15th the fight for the future begins’ which is a good tag line as it gives us the date of the release of the film and leaves the reading thinking ‘what fight?’ and ‘what future?’ this leaves the reader with an active question. This tag line is more like a statement, which gives a nature of what to expect and may not have an affect on some readers.

Use of image:

The use of images such as the actors and background are very good codes and conventions f an action film, as the actors are dressed in black and leather clothing and wearing sunglasses. The characters are holding guns and rifles and posing in a lethal stance. The use of these images associate the genre of action as the framing is based mostly around Keanu reeves, which is the main character, is stood in an action pose and in the centre of attention. This long shot of all the characters, the main character is shown head to toe to show off all his physique.

Unique selling point:

The unique selling point of this film is the newly designed use of camera. This was extremely revolutionary and backed up the movies genre helping to achieve what other directors couldn't. Another unique selling point is the stardom of main character Keanu reeves which attracts viewers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Write Up Of My Poster

Poster Evaluation
Film Title:
My movie poster is called ‘Born to Die’
The genre of this movie poster is an action thriller. We can see the codes and conventions of this genre through basic elements such as the background image, which is a wall of guns in a dark red colour resembling blood.
We can also see one of the characters holding a gun to the others back. The narrative we can gather from this poster is a hired assassin, which was born to kill people such as a hitman with the tagline ‘Who’s next?’ which tells us that he has killed before and is not afraid to continue.
The way the title reflects the genre is by having the word ‘Born’ and ‘Die’ associated with a wall of guns and the colour red. This gives the viewer an idea of life, death and conflict.
The tagline I have used is ‘Who’s next?’ This gives the viewer the idea of a person that is set on a killing spree and asks the audience who is to be next. This leaves the reader with an active question in mind.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this movie would be the younger generation from 18 to 25 onwards. This poster gives us the idea of a violent movie and sets the certificate age of 18. This movie would attract males and groups of friends as the main star is also a male and the use of weapons and blood red colour.
Light and Colour:
The colours I have used are a basic blood red, a simple plain white and jet-black. These colours mix well together as they gives the codes and conventions of an action thriller and that red representing blood also connects to death and gore.
The main strength of this poster is the two characters’ in the centre. I acquired this through using a 6.1 megapixel digital camera and had two volunteers mimicking a hold up without the gun in hand. I uploaded the images on to a computer and added it to my empty poster which gave it a unique touch. I started editing it by adding the threshold option and getting rid of excess background. This gives the idea of subtleness and shows us the traits of a silent killer like a shadow.

Production Details:
I used the software Adobe Photoshop CS4 to create my movie poster. I also used a Digital camera which was 6.1 megapixels which I used to take the image. When I had completed my draft consisting of text only I added this image and the background which gave it an edge. I did a lot of researching into other movie posters and trailers. They helped me produce my poster giving me a few subtle hints such as text position.

Comparison to real media:
If I compare my work to the movie poster of ‘Leon’ which is also an action thriller we can see some similarities such as the use of colour which is a plain red which may also represent blood. This image also uses threshold in a more precise detail as you can see the characters features. The layout has the main title at the bottom of the image and above the production details. The production details are at the bottom which is similar to my work. The tag line reads:
‘If you want the job done right, hire a professional’
This tag line is a good example of a statement as this as an uncommon phrase and has not been used before. It gives us the idea of a person in need of a professional killer. The tagline is written at the top of the poster.
In my poster I have two characters. In this film poster there is one character but we cannot see his whole body, just his face. He is wearing sunglasses with the reflection of the city in them.